Weekend-urile de toamna au un farmec aparte daca sunt petrecute in mijlocul naturii. Printre locurile in care puteti merge pentru cateva zile de liniste si relaxare se numara si statiunea balneara Slanic Moldova din jud. Bacau, aflata la 13 kilometri de orasul Targu Ocna.
vineri, 19 octombrie 2018
marți, 16 octombrie 2018
Rome, La Città Eterna
Samuel Johnson said: “Greece appears to be the fountain of knowledge; Rome, of elegance”. Well, this couldn’t be more true in terms of architecture and lifestyle that you’ll only meet in Rome. Both times I’ve visited this charming city, I was delighted to explore its many touristic attractions, as Rome offers an abundance of sights rich in history, tales and legends.
miercuri, 10 octombrie 2018
Tenerife, the paradise of nature lovers
Tenerife, the largest and most populated island of the seven Canary Islands, is all about landscapes. Regardless if you choose to visit the northern part of the island or the more touristic southern one, you will encounter breathtaking sceneries and joyful people, ready to make your stay the most welcoming.
Romanian tourism: Sulina, the place where Danube river greets the Black Sea
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, one of the most beautiful deltas in Europe, has the third largest biodiversity in the world, thus making it one of Romania's major touristic attractions. It is formed by a large network of water channels, floating islands, sand dunes and small lakes, spread around the three main arms of the Danube: Chilia, Sulina and Sfantu Gheorghe.
Romanian destination: Sinaia and its attractions
There are days when I crave for rest and silence and Sinaia is the perfect place to go to in such moments. This beautiful town has kept its vintage charm, as many of the buildings date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Sinaia also answers to the cultural needs of the tourists visiting it, as you’ll see below.
So, here is a list of some of the places in Sinaia and its surroundings that are close to my heart:
Romanian destination: Sighisoara and its wonderful Festival of Medieval Arts and Crafts
As the end of the month is quickly approaching, I decided to write a post about a wonderful Romanian destination which I have visited several times – Sighisoara. This lovely town, placed in the very heart of Transylvania, hosts one of my favorite summer events: the Festival of Medieval Arts and Crafts, happening in Sighisoara each year in July.
The event, one of the biggest medieval music festivals in Romania, shall take place between 27-29 July 2018. This year’s theme is “Medieval Legends”. So, if you do not have any plans for next weekend, you should visit Sighisoara, thus entering a world of stories, magic, knights, medieval weapons, sword plays and juggles with flags and fire.
Romanian tourism: Saxon villages from Transylvania
Romania has known a visible increase of the number of foreign visitors, as there are many touristic attractions my country is famous for. However, few foreign visitors know about the Transylvanian Saxon villages. Therefore, my first post dedicated to fabulous Romanian destinations worth a visit presents these charming Romanian villages.
Insula Samothraki – taramul capritelor si al peisajelor salbatice
De ce Samothraki?
Samothraki este una dintre insulele grecesti care a reusit sa isi pastreze aerul salbatic, in ciuda turistilor din ce in ce mai numerosi care au inceput sa afle despre existenta ei. Aflandu-se la doar 7 ore de condus din Bucuresti, nu este surprinzator ca majoritatea turistilor de pe insula sunt romani. Lor li se alatura vizitatori din Grecia, Bulgaria, Turcia si din Europa de Vest, toti atrasi de farmecul insulei si de peisajele sale fabuloase.
Samothrace Island in Greece - the land of goats and wild landscapes
Why visit Samothrace?
Samothrace is one of the Greek islands that has managed to keep its wild appearance, despite the fact that more and more tourists have found out about its existence and keep coming back here, attracted by its charm and fabulous landscapes.
Do You, Do You Saint Tropez?
When talking about Saint Tropez, certain themes come to mind. First of all, this is the place where the classic 1964 French comedy "The Troops of St. Tropez", with Louis de Funes as leading actor, has been filmed.
Escape to Provence. Part I: Roussillon, Menerbes & Bonnieux villages
Roussillon village
Roussillon is considered to be one of the most beautiful French villages, as it offers incredible views over the striking surrounding hills, composed of ochre rocks having different shades. The sight of the ochre quarries opens in front of your eyes as soon as you enter the village and it is truly astonishing.
Puglia (Apulia) region in Italy: 7 towns, 7 stories - Part IV Monopoli & Bari
Monopoli is not only the name of the famous board game, but also the name of the most beautiful corner Puglia has to offer. Easy reachable from other attractions in the region (Polignano a Mare is only at a 15 minutes' drive away), this small seaside village is the dream of every traveler looking for beautiful scenery.
Puglia (Apulia) region in Italy: 7 towns, 7 stories - Part III Ostuni&Alberobello
Ostuni is a great base from which to explore Puglia, as it is placed in the very heart of the region and is close to all other major attractions. It is also named "the white city" or "Citta Bianca", because everything in it is white: walls, buildings, pavement. The town is visible long before you reach it, as it rises above a large dense carpet of olive trees.
Puglia (Apulia) region in Italy: 7 towns, 7 stories - Part II Lecce & Polignano a Mare
Lecce, often named "the Florence of the South", due to its beautiful historical buildings, is a charming town, also in the southern part of Puglia region. As many other small Italian towns with stories to be revealed, Lecce has two parts - the modern part and the old historic center, extending alongside cozy streets, bursting with history and art spaces.
Puglia (Apulia) region in Italy: 7 towns, 7 stories - Part I Gallipoli
Tourism in Puglia region has grown substantially during last years, as many low cost airline companies decided to include Bari in their networks. Italy itself is a perfect holiday destination and Puglia region makes no exception from the rule, as it also comes with the advantage of low prices for accommodation, transportation and food. Forget about the fancy, costly restaurants in Milan or Venice. In Puglia, friendly prices come hand in hand with friendly places and locals. So, taking many factors into account, one of my last year's summer destinations has been this beautiful region in the southern part of Italy and I couldn't have made a better decision As my journey covered 7 small towns in Puglia, I decided to tell you about my experience through more posts, in order to properly present the wonders I have encountered along the way.
My trip in Puglia started in Gallipoli, placed in the southern part of the region, in the province of Lecce. This is a town with few foreign tourists, as it seems that not many visitors are willing to explore the areas far from Bari - the main hub of Puglia. Gallipoli is ideal for visiting and spending one or more days at the beach. Though narrow, as many of the Italian beaches are, Gallipoli's picturesque city beach is clean and covered with golden sand, so it makes perfect sense to lay on the towel and have long baths in the azure sea.
Day trip destination from Berlin: Potsdam
Although Berlin has plenty of tourist attractions, you could consider going on a day trip, as there are many wonderful towns within a 100 km range from Berlin that you can easily reach by train or by car.
I decided to see Potsdam, a charming town at just a heartbeat away from Berlin, known for its historical importance and vivid landscapes.
Paris, my love
I have returned to Paris for the fourth time and the city of lights keeps surprising me. There are so many attractions, so many places to see, restaurants to visit and streets to explore that no one can ever get bored of it. This time, I avoided the classical touristic attractions and focused on the less known areas, as Paris has many stories to tell and secrets to be revealed. So, do not hesitate to visit less promoted areas, such as:
Rue Rivoli 59
Nessebar – the most charming Bulgarian town
I have just returned from Nessebar, one of the most beautiful places one can visit in Bulgaria, perfect for those who love blending the days at the beach with visiting historical monuments.
Romanian tourism: Day trip destinations in Danube Delta - Mila 23 and Letea villages
After previously sharing some information about Sulina, the marvelous town in Danube Delta, this time I’ll write about two lovely villages close to Sulina, chosen by most of the tourists for day trips by boat: Mila 23 and Letea.
Turist in Romania: Cincsor si imprejurimile sale
Casele de oaspeti de la Cincsor
Romania pune la dispozitie celor care iubesc calatoriile numeroase destinatii pitoresti. Pe drumul care porneste din Brasov spre Sibiu veti descoperi o astfel de zona, incarcata de istorie si locuita de oameni dornici sa reinvie magia trecutului, prin practicarea unui turism autentic.
Un astfel de om este Carmen Schuster, care a contribuit semnificativ la restaurarea patrimoniului sasesc din zona Transilvaniei, alegand sa se intoarca din Germania in satul copilariei sale si renovand vechea scoala, casa parohiala si o casa taraneasca din Cincsor - un mic sat din Transilvania, aflat in proximitatea orasului Fagaras.
Brittany region, France: a land for explorers.
Brittany (“Bretagne”) region in France holds a special place in my heart. This is where I have spent one of the most beautiful holidays ever, as well as the first reason I felt in love with France and decided to return here as often as I have the chance.
So, for all those interested in visiting a less promoted region of France, I warmly advice you to rent a car and visit Brittany for as many days as possible.
Short guide to visiting Cannes
Cannes is the right place for all beauty lovers. Once you get here, everything shall enchant your eyes, from the glamorous pedestrians to the exclusive yachts and opulent buildings alongside La Croisette Boulevard.
Bologna, Italy’s La Gorda
Considered one of Italy’s most underrated cities, Bologna should be on every traveler's list. This is the perfect place for Italian food lovers, as well as a university city, known for its special vibe and colorful buildings.
Autumn destination: Belgrade, the vibrant capital of Serbia
Belgrade is attracting more and more tourists each year, thanks to low prices and the interesting mix of vivid nightlife, wonderful Balkan cuisine and historical landmarks just waiting to be discovered.
Why Barcelona is an excellent place to travel in August
I've been to Barcelona twice, both times in August, and each holiday has been a great occasion to relax, feel the local flavors and incredible colours the city has to offer. Barcelona is surely defined by its accentuated sense of identity, culture, language and traditional events.
Only during my last visit in Barcelona did I attend the Gracia Festival. Hence, if you are in Barcelona in August, I highly advise you to head to the up-town district of Gracia and feel the vibe of this special festival. Gracia Festival is unique, vibrant and represents a great occasion to blend in with the locals. No other place in Barcelona offers such a bohemian atmosphere, exciting feeling and contact with dancing, joyful people. Why is this street festival organised? Well, each street from Gracia neighborhood competes in order to win the prize for being the best decorated street. Therefore, no wonder you will discover Game of Thrones, Roman Style and dwarf style themed streets. You will find here more information about this event: http://www.festamajordegracia.cat/
marți, 9 octombrie 2018
Auvers-sur-Oise or following Van Gogh's final footsteps
Paris is surrounded by beautiful villages, full of charm and color. So, a day trip from Paris would be nice in case of revisiting the city, in order to alternate city strolling with discovering small villages.
Among these picturesque gems, Auvers-sur-Oise is the obvious choice if you are also an art lover and especially a fan of Van Gogh's works. Visiting the village by foot allows you to discover places painted by Van Gogh during his short and final stay in Auvers-sur-Oise.
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Idee de destinație de vacanță: Skiathos, una dintre cele mai frumoase insule din Marea Egee
Ȋn proximitatea coastei de est a Greciei se află insula Skiathos, parte din arhipelagul Sporadelor, care oferă combinația ideală între peisa...
Ȋn proximitatea coastei de est a Greciei se află insula Skiathos, parte din arhipelagul Sporadelor, care oferă combinația ideală între peisa...
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